Imagine a prosthesis that

can feel,

looks real,

and moves the way you do.

This is EndoLimb.

We are developing groundbreaking devices that enable surgical reconstruction of missing limbs.

 Unlike traditional prosthetics that are worn on the outside of the body, EndoLimb will be:

Our Story

EndoLimb Orthoplastic Solutions, Inc. was founded to commercialize technology developed at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Co-founders Dr. Crouch and Dr. Anderson, along with clinical collaborator Dr. Stacy Stephenson (Plastic Surgery, UT Medical Center), performed a series of proof-of-concept studies funded by the NIH and NSF. These studies successfully demonstrated that it is feasible to cover an EndoLimb with the patient's own skin following amputation. Based on these promising results, the researchers worked with the UT Research Foundation to protect the intellectual property. We are currently working to develop the EndoThumb design in preparation for FDA regulatory testing.

Meet the Founders

Dustin L. Crouch, PhD

Chief Executive Officer

Dustin is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. He earned his BS degree in Aerospace Engineering from NC State University and his PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from the VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. As a post-doctoral researcher at NC State, Dustin observed first-hand the challenges and limitations of current prosthetic hands. This experience inspired Dustin to test the feasibility of the EndoLimb once he began his faculty position in 2017. 

David E. Anderson, DVM, MS

Clinical Expert

David is a Professor of Large Animal Clinical Sciences and the Associate Dean of Research in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. He earned his DVM degree at NC State University and his MS degree at Kansas State University. As a veterinary orthopedic surgeron and researcher, David has expertise in animal models for research, biomaterials, and musculoskeletal tissue engineering. David performed the animal surgeries to test the EndoLimb prototypes and provides critical clinical perspective on device implementation and translation.

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